Here you will find our cross-industry and cross-module SAP basic services. At Inwerken you receive a fully comprehensive SAP basis operation. From solution conception to implementation, maintenance and continuous development. The basis is crucial for system efficiency. As an ISO 9001 and DIN EN ISO 27001 certified company, you can trust our quality and IS standards.
SAP Basis: Archiving
Structured archiving of data relieves the burden on your productive SAP system and helps [Read more...]
HANA stands for “High Performance Analytic Appliance”. The in-memory database SAP HANA accelerates your [Read more...]
SAP interfaces: management & integration
Design, integration and management of SAP interfaces are an essential part of integrating your [Read more...]
SAP system architecture optimization
Software and hardware - i.e. infrastructure components that your company uses - are constantly [Read more...]
Ensuring the availability and performance of the central SAP systems is essential for your [Read more...]
SAP-Basis: Automation
Automation in the SAP basis reduces the manual effort of your IT and key [Read more...]
SAP-Basis: Maintenance and Support
If you wish to protect central business processes and always have them available at [Read more...]
SAP-Basis: Performance-Analysis
Use performance analysis to make bottlenecks in your SAP system performance transparent and strengthen [Read more...]
SAP-System-Migration and -Copies
System migrations and copies or the creation of production-related sandbox systems are relevant core [Read more...]