Hardly anything works without master data in logistics. In the SAP module Logistics, all cross-module functionalities and master data, such as classification, batch management, variant configuration, document management, etc., are stored and thereby reduce the effort required to obtain correct master data.
The SAP logistics modules are among the most important. They document and control the material flow, write financial documents and manage all the important data of agreements and contracts, as an example; data on incoming and outgoing goods. The logistics modules include MM, WM, PP / PI, PM, QM and SD.
Are you looking for solutions of how to optimize your systems and maintenance processes?

Are you interested in intelligent solutions like LPWAN? We will help you find the right instrument. All modules can be supplemented and extended with the programming language ABAP .

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

Further Information

Customer testimonials

“… and today, everything is running like clockwork. We would like to thank Inwerken for their support in this project. The department is extremely satisfied.” – Lena Blum, REIFF GmbH. You can find more customer opinions here.

Contact Person

Alexander Plachetzky

Alexander Plachetzky